What Is SNS?
Strategic News Service and its networking and events provider, Future in Review, form a small but mighty alliance, preferencing innovation and action over perfection. Collectively, Strategic News Service and the SNS Conference Corp have an outsized impact on the world of technology innovation and the global economy, accelerating the deployment of technologies and policies that make the world a better place through publications, networking, and events. Members include Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos and its Future in Review conference has been called “the best technology conference in the world” by The Economist.
Related organs and activities:
SNS Interactive News™ (iNews): A patent-pending community-driven news source, offering the public daily updates about global business and technology leaders and their achievements, and offering Premium SNS members the opportunity to interact directly with these newsleaders while the news is fresh.
The SNS Weekly Global Report on Technology and the Economy: Called “the best technology letter” by Fortune magazine, this was the first subscription newsletter on the Internet. SNS members consistently indicate two primary benefits: receiving new strategic insights into current global trends and accurate prediction of outcomes in the 3-5 year timeframe, in technology and economics worldwide.
SNS Future in Review (FiRe) Conference: First held in 2003, and soon named “the best technology conference in the world” by the Economist, the annual Future in Review™ Conference is exceptional in its breadth and depth. International speakers and participants often share roles, with a bias favoring action. FiRe is covered by media alliance partner BBC World News, with its 150MM audience, and is streamed live to global mirror sites including London, Shanghai, Berlin, Rio de Janeiro, and Tokyo.
“FiRe CTO Design Challenge”: As part of the annual SNS FiRe Conference, this multi-day design effort by selected CTOs is geared toward solving large-scale real-world problems. Results of these efforts are now being applied in fighting urban wildfires in San Diego County, Austin, and Australia. Measurable, scalable results have also included “Water Beyond Tomorrow,” Scaling Alternative Energy, Capturing Carbon, and Nutritional Microanalysis, to name a few.
SNS FiReGlobal Conferences: With the tagline “Local problems with global solutions,” these events offer regional attendees a focus on their own problem sets, addressed by global thought leaders.
SNS Dinners: These conversational dinners mix business leaders and policymakers in carefully chosen settings. Examples are the SNS West Coast Dinner, held in San Francisco; and the semi-annula SNS London Dinner.
SNS Annual Predictions Dinner in New York: Held at the Waldorf Astoria each December since 2005, this event includes a cocktail reception and full dinner, an interview with a global leader on a topic of current SNS interest, and the release of SNS CEO Mark Anderson’s predictions about the year to come. These are then distributed by global news organizations, including the BBC World News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Forbes, NPR, and others. Publicly graded predictions accuracy rate since 1995: 94%.
SNS Project Inkwell™: The first global vendor consortium to research and design the use of appropriate technology in K12 classrooms; convened by SNS in 2003. Input sources included students, teachers, administrators, governors, nonprofit leaders, and Cabinet-level officials from Britain, Europe, the U.S., and Australia. Inkwell’s “Spark” design for a K12 computing device, developed by consortium member IDEO, has won design awards in the U.S. and Europe. Today, Inkwell has become a catalyst for ensuring implementation of these transformations.
SNS INVNT/IP Global Consortium: The Inventing Nations vs. Nation-sponsored Theft of IP global consortium was initiated by SNS in 2011 after SNS research led to the discovery, and publicizing, of the China national business model, including its core requirements for stolen or extorted IP from other nations. It is the goal of the INVNT/IP to reduce these practices, in order to protect the ROI of inventing companies and countries, as well as that of the global economy.
SNS Conference Calls: “Big Problems, Big Solutions:: Held quarterly, and discounted for SNS members, these calls with Mark Anderson allow participants to bring their own corporate questions to major subjects of concern in technology and economics.
Member Company Reviews: Provided by Mark Anderson, available to SNS members. Past review and consult subjects include Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Adobe, and others.
Speeches: SNS members receive early notification, priority registration, and frequent opportunities for discounted seats, for all SNS speeches and events. Members may also engage Mark Anderson for speeches at company events.
Major Global Corporate Events: SNS partners with global member organizations to produce top-level private events on critical subjects for the partner firm and its clients. The Accenture/SNS meeting on Economic Cyberwar, held in London for Accenture’s global CIO and COO groups, is a recent example.
New Science and Technology: In addition to discovering strategic trends and making predictions, SNS is a source of ideas for patentable inventions, descriptions of untapped future markets and products in technology, and new theories in pure science. (See “SNS Science and Technology Contributions List.”)
SNS is a revolutionary step beyond today’s news, providing Advanced Information to its members. Virtually all major international news services subscribe to SNS, and repurpose stories that we originate, including Reuters, the Financial Times, the Economist, the New York Times, Forbes, Fortune, the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg TV, Bloomberg Businessweek, and NPR. (At their Brainstorm Conference, Fortune editors once identified SNS as its prime story source in technology.)
By describing landscapes of opportunities at the intersection of technology and economics, and then assisting in translating these into partnerships and action, SNS is redefining the value, delivery, and benefits of processed news.
Our goal is to produce dynamically useful, focused information not available anywhere else. We are proud that Accenture, Nuance, Symantec, Intel, Adobe, Deutsche Telekom, and other great companies have chosen to provide the SNS Weekly Report to their entire teams, in recognition of its standing as a powerful competitive weapon.