Directors James Balog and Louie Psihoyos
at FiRe 2013
Join the FiReFilms Team!
Become a FiReFilms member now:
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SNS FiReFilms:
The Opportunity to Make a Difference
Created in 2012, after four years of screening an annual selected documentary to FiRe’s world-changing audiences, FiReFilms is led by a Steering Committee comprising specially invited technology, film, and investment experts. These experts select potentially world-improving documentary films to introduce to the SNS/FiRe global community of C-level executives in technology, finance, and world press, helping filmmakers achieve their goals “from completion to distribution to solution.” Read the full FiReFilms mission statement here.
The New FiReFilms Team
The FiReFilms Team, formed in 2013, unites SNS members who believe that documentary films are a powerful tool for world and social improvement, and who wish to be informed of and share unique benefits made possible by their relationship with SNS – including important inputs and personal, early access to cutting-edge people and events in documentary film.
Join Now to Start Making a Difference Through Film
Everyone who would like to make a difference, including direct contact with today’s most intriguing documentary filmmakers, and opportunities for special access to film-related events, will want to be members of the FiReFilms Team. Join for just $100.

FiReFilms Team Pre-screening event
in Park City, UT
FiReFilms Team Member Benefits:
- Participate in the FiReFilms’ Meet the Director quarterly call series:Each quarter, we will select 1 documentary film and host a 30-minute interactive video discussion with its director, followed by a 10-minute Q&A. The Q&A will be hosted by a topic-specific expert from the SNS membership, and will address questions submitted by you and other FiReFilms Team members and selected in advance. You will receive links to films and/or trailers 2 weeks in advance.
- At the Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah):
- Meet other FiReFilms Team members at a FiReFilms-only private reception during the Sundance Film Festival
- Provide input for the FiRe 2015 Documentary Featured Film Selection
- At FiRe 2015 (October 6-9, 2015, Stein Eriksen Lodge, Park City, Utah):
- Attend the FiReFilms Team Private Discussion with filmmakers, investors, and corporate partners, addressing topical current films
- Join the FiReFilms Breakout/Brainstorm Session addressing documentaries explored in the FiReFilms plenary panel, including discussion of critical topics for potential documentary films
- Receive notifications about upcoming FiReFilms-supported screenings and film updates.
- Receive periodic passworded links to complimentary “Bonus Films” selected because we believe you’ll find them valuable.
Public FiReFilms Website Features:
As a FiReFilms Team member, you’ll find these public-access FiReFilms website features even more compelling, having screened the films, met the directors, and talked with others who share your interest in turning passion into action through film:
- FiRe Screening Room: Backgrounders on all past FiRe-screened documentaries, with film descriptions, contact info, links to films and trailers, and directors’ updates
- Other Recommended Films: A curated list of additional documentaries we consider to be of high-impact importance, with links to their websites and bios of directors who have attended FiRe: www.futureinreview.com/firefilms